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Arts Day celebration
The celebration includes solo dance, solo singing, group dance and singing, mime, dramas and many other interesting activities conducted by the students of arunachala college.
Festival Celebrations
Students of our college celebrate Christmas, Pongal and Onam with lot of joy and happiness.

Graduation Day
The Graduates of Arunachala College are honoured with their Degree Certification on the Graduation Day. A wonderful get together for the passed out students.
Training / Coaching
Special Training is arranged for the enthusiastic and diplomatic students for GATE, IES, GRE etc., By conducting frequent tests, weak students are identified and special coaching is provided to improve their performance in studies. Placement Training & Personality Development Programmes are arranged by the Industry Oriented Training Professionals.
A Special attention is given to the health and physical fitness of the students. The age old adage "A sound mind in a sound body" is more relevant in today's world of heavy stress and high competition. Generally girls are reluctant to participate in sports and games due to various reasons. Being a women's college, ACEW students are encouraged to participate in physical activities.

Industrial Visit
Special Training is arranged for the enthusiastic and diplomatic students for GATE, IES, GRE etc., By conducting frequent tests, weak students are identified and special coaching is provided to improve their performance in studies. Placement Training & Personality Development Programmes are arranged by the Industry Oriented Training Professionals.
Inplant Training
A Special attention is given to the health and physical fitness of the students. The age old adage "A sound mind in a sound body" is more relevant in today's world of heavy stress and high competition. Generally girls are reluctant to participate in sports and games due to various reasons. Being a women's college, ACEW students are encouraged to participate in physical activities.
The exhibition is conducted by the students of Arunachala college to exhibit their talent. Each department have their own Symposiums conducted for the students to enrich their knowledge with joy.

English Club
English club, started in our campus was inaugurated by Dr. Vijayalekshmi, Managing Director of Vijayalekshmi HiTech Software Solutions. This club conducts programmes like Elocution, Creative Writing, Group Discussion, Seminar Presentation and such likes. We are motivating the students to speak in English inside the college premises and the students are following accordingly.
Parent-Teacher Association
A parent-teacher-student-management Association looks into all the activities of the college for the betterment of the facilities and standards. Parents are periodically informed of the academic as well as other status of their wards. As and when required they will be requested to meet the staff for personal discussion and possible improvements
Students Chapters
IEEE Students Branch
IET Student's Chapter
ISTE Chapter